ALM 'Verify' report shows very many 'Expected: varchar, found: nvarchar' Manual Repair items

  • KM03809873
  • 14-May-2021
  • 14-May-2021


In this scenario there could be upwards of 2600 lines with this error


In the project's Verify (.html) report, very many " Expected: varchar, found: nvarchar" issues will appear...

Problems that require Manual Repair
Schema Problems that can not be fixed by repair tool
Describes schema problems that must be fixed in order for the Upgrade tool to run. These problems cannot be fixed by the Repair tool.
#    Type    Problem    Element    Comment
1    column    type changed    DASHBOARD_FOLDERS.DF_DESCRIPTION    Expected: varchar, found: nvarchar
2    column    type changed    AUDIT_LOG.AU_ENTITY_ID    Expected: varchar, found: nvarchar
3    column    type changed    RESOURCE_FOLDERS.RFO_NAME    Expected: varchar, found: nvarchar
4    column    type changed    BL_RESOURCE_FOLDERS.RFO_NAME    Expected: varchar, found: nvarchar
5    column    type changed    TRAN_RULES.TR_RULES    Expected: varchar, found: nvarchar
6    column    type changed    RUN.RN_PC_RUN_URL    Expected: varchar, found: nvarchar
7    column    type changed    STEP.ST_EXPECTED    Expected: varchar, found: nvarchar
8    column    type changed    ENTITY_SUBTYPES.EST_ENTITY_TABLE_NAME    Expected: varchar, found: nvarchar

Upwards of 2600 lines like the ones above will be in the verify report


The project db/schema is Unicode enabled yet was restored as non-unicode


1) In the ALM Site Administration, remove the project in question

2) Open the project's 'dbid.xml' file for editing

3) Find the PR_IS_UNICODE element

4) Change the value from N to Y

5) Save changes

6) Restore the project - the issue should be resolved

For more inforation about unicode enabled projects see: