How to clear forwarding queue - OBM

  • KM03808157
  • 30-Apr-2021
  • 30-Apr-2021

Archived Content: This information is no longer maintained and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


When OBM stalls it may affect the event forwarding to external systems. After you restore functionality the forwarding queue may remain huge, following these steps you can clear it.


OBM Forwarding Queue - how to clear it?


To check forwarding assigments:
%topaz_home%\opr\bin\opr-event-sync.(bat|sh) -sfa
To check forwarding queue:
%topaz_home%\opr\bin\opr-event-sync.(bat|sh) -sfs
To cancel events in forwarding queue
%topaz_home%\opr\bin\opr-event-sync.(bat|sh) -cancel -identifier localhost -force
Another way is from OBM menu Infrastructure Settings / Event Synchronization Settings / Event Forwarding Expiration: You can adjust this value at your convenience, this setting will allow the event to be queued and after the configured time is passed, it will be deleted from the queue if was not successfully delivered. The lower value recommended is one hour.
You can also check the different options available in the JMX console, run on DPS
The last option is to delete the events from the forwarding queue directly from the database:
  1. Stop OBM services.
  2. Back up these tables before deleting the content in them so you can recover if needed.
  3. To delete

Event schema/db:

delete from EVENT_FORWARDING_INFO where identifier='problematic_Node';

delete from EVENT_SYNC_BUFFER where identifier='problematic_Node';