Micro Focus Voltage SecureData Appliance 6.9.5 has been released

  • KM03806929
  • 23-Apr-2021
  • 26-Apr-2021


Micro Focus Voltage SecureData Appliance 6.9.5


Recommended Software Update

Micro Focus is announcing the release of

Product: Voltage SecureData Appliance
Version: 6.9.5
Languages: English

The following  new key features are available with this version:

The Voltage SecureData Appliance latest release 6.9.5 is available now. This release incorporates several upgrades of components to address critical security vulnerabilities and component support lifecycle dates, product hardening, and staying current with 3rd party OEM releases. This release also incorporates several customer requests for enhancements, providing bug fixes and hot fixes, the latest cloud deployment feature support, and releasing images for AWS and Azure clouds. Additionally 6.9.5 includes support for the Entrust nShield Connect HSM 12.60.10, to support our customers upgrading to this latest version of HSM that brings in several new and advanced functional and operational features. The full list of SecureData release 6.9.5 inclusions are laid out below.
Key Inclusions:

  • CentOS 7.9 Upgrade
  • Splunk 8.1.3 Upgrade
  • OpenJDK Upgrade
  • Bug & Hot fixes
  • SSH hardening
  • Admin Password lockout feature
  • AWS Image release
  • Azure Image release
  • IDMSv2 support on AWS
  • nShield 12.60 upgrade

For more information, please check the Release Notes for this version (available from MySupport).  

If you have an active support subscription for these products, please plan for downloading this version from the Software Licenses and Downloads Portal. To access these products in the Software Licenses and Downloads Portal, you will need to sign in with your Micro Focus credentials.

Our goal is to provide you with clear visibility into the support time-line of software products, enabling you to use this information to plan, test, and deploy new product versions. For more information, check our MySupport Software Product Lifecycle pages. Please take note of the end of support dates for the latest available version of this product:

Support time-line
Date Details
Oct 31, 2023 Committed Support Ends

Please note that all SecureData Appliance customers with active support subscriptions are eligible to update to SecureData Appliance 6.9.5.