How to Start a Data Flow Probe

  • KM03793264
  • 01-Apr-2021
  • 01-Apr-2021


This task describes how to start the Data Flow Probe service in Universal CMDB 2020.11


Note  The managed environment is defined by the ranges of the domains.

However, with some discovery adapters it is possible to override this behavior and discover CIs that are out of a Probe's range.


  1. Prerequisite
    • Ensure that the UCMDB Server is installed and running.

    • Ensure that the Data Flow Probe is installed.

      For installation instructions, see the interactive Universal CMDB Deployment Guide.

  2. Start the Probe

    Start the Probe on the machine on which the Probe is installed:

    • Windows: Start > All Programs > UCMDB > Start Data Flow Probe

      Note: To start the second Probe you installed on a Windows machine, click Start > All Programs > UCMDB (2) > Start Data Flow Probe.

    • Linux: /opt/UCMDB/DataFlowProbe/bin/ start

    The Probe is started as a service.

    To verify that the Probe has been launched successfully (Windows Probe only):

    1. In UCMDB select Data Flow Management > Data Flow Probe Setup.
    2. Select the Probe and, in the Details pane, verify that the status is Connected.


    • The user running the Probe service must be a member of the Administrators group.
    • You can also configure the Probe so that it opens in a console. In this case, the command prompt window is displayed. To open the console, on the Probe machine select Start > All Programs > UCMDB > Start Data Flow Probe (console).
