Check an attachment was properly associated to the entity.
The attachments would be associated to an specific entity once they are uploaded like incidents, requests, change requests, etc. If this association isn’t done the file would be categorized as “un-associated file" and deleted by an internal cleaning process called FRS.
Associated file: "ems://Request/”
Unassociated file: "ems://Request/”
1. Open the Service Portal on Google Chrome.
2. Enable the developer tools (Ctrl+Shift+I)
Google Chrome developer tools would allow you to record the network traffic between your browser and the SMAX server. Once you enable the developer tools make sure the network recording is enabled like it shows on the following screenshot.
3. Start creating a new request and attach a file to it.
4. Look for the attachment guid
Once you submit the new request on the network traffic you would find the attachment details that would be inserted on the ‘FileInfoTenantEntity_<TenantID>’ table. You can find it by searching for guid on the network capture:
{"contentMD5":"219b7e09d57559c78ebed2eec5d4e5e7","metadata":[],"creator":"1000008","success":true,"name":"soapui-settings.xml","guid":"d6b736e9-623c-48cf-8d5e-597cc0f6b4ba" ,"contentEncoding":"","contentLanguage":"","eTag":"219b7e09d57559c78ebed2eec5d4e5e7","contentLength":2326,"serverTime":1616953341426,"lastModified":1616953341000,"expiredTimestamp":1617039741401,"contentType":"text/xml"}
5. Check if the attachment was properly associated
Now that we have the attachment ID we can run a REST call to check if the attachment was properly associated to the request.
a. Open the SMAX REST API
b. Run the following GET request using the tenant ID and guid that you recorded on the previews step:
REST call - /frs/management/association/<tenanid>?id=<guid>