How do I move the Data Center to a new domain?

  • KM03790601
  • 17-Mar-2021
  • 17-Mar-2021

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


The following procedure will be used to change the domain for a standalone and mirrored datacenter environment.


During the lifetime of the Data Center, it might become necessary to move it to a different domain. All Data Center servers must be in the same domain. These servers include the Data Center servers themselves, the Web server that runs Support Center and the Account Management Website, and the DataBundler® server.



Before you begin you must have the following information:

  • Administrative logon access to the Data Center servers.
  • Data Center software. Use the SAME version of the software you currently have installed before you changed the domain information.


  1. Log on to the Data Center server with Administrator privileges.
  2. Back up the databases on each Data Center server.
  3. Open the System Registry using regedit and grant yourself read and write permissions for the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Connected\Keys.
  4. Export the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Connected\Keys key to a secure location.
  5. Copy the Configuration$ folder, license.dat, CAFile.pem, Certificate.pem, dh1024.pem and PrivateKey.pem from the DataCenter folder to a secure location.
  6. Remove the Data Center software, using Control Panel Uninstall Programs.

    Important: When you remove the Data Center software, do not remove the databases or archive sets.

  7. Change the SQL Server and SQL Server Agent Start-up Service Account to the local System account using Windows Services.
  8. CUSTOMER = Change the domain information according to Microsoft specifications.
  9. Change the SQL Server and SQL Server Agent Start-up Service Account back to the fully qualified user name using Windows Services.
  10. Verify that you moved your Data Center on a different domain as follows:

    Open SQL Server Management Studio on the Data Center server. Run the following command:
         select @@servername
  11. If the results include the server name with the old domain name then:

    Open SQL Server Management Studio and run the following scripts to update the domain with the new name:
         exec sp_dropserver 'old_domain\servername', 'droplogin'
         exec sp_addserver 'new_domain\servername', 'local'

  12. If the results include the new domain name, then install the Data Center software on the new domain, as described in the next section.
  13. Install the Data Center software on the new domain:

    a. Import the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Connected\Keys key back into the Windows registry.
    b. Install the Data Center software in the same way that you initially installed it but this time using the new domain DCService accounts.
    c. Copy the Configuration$ folder, license.dat, CAFile.pem, Certificate.pem, dh1024.pem and PrivateKey.pem back to the DataCenter folder.
  14. Uninstall, reinstall Support Center and MyRoam

    a. Log into the Webserver with administrator privileges.
    b. Copy the \Inetpub\wwwroot\SupportCenter\Reports folder to a secure location.
    c. Remove the Support Center and MyRoam software, using Control Panel Uninstall Programs.
    d. Reinstall Support Center and MyRoam using the new domain DCServices accounts.
    e. Copy back the \Inetpub\wwwroot\SupportCenter\Reports folder.
  15. Start all services.