Event missmatch between OBR and OBR for User event reports

  • KM03788035
  • 28-Feb-2021
  • 28-Feb-2021

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Event missmatch between OBR and OBR for User event reports


Event missmatch between OBR and OBR for User event reports

Count of events is not same in OBR report and OBM Console


1. Access OBM>Event Perspective and filter events by time frame and assigned user.

2. In OBR select K_Person and foind the right user and take dsi_key_id and run below query in Vertica for example:

 select * from OBR.SD_Event_AssignByUser where dsi_key_id_=36 and ta_period > '2021-02-23';
       creation_date        |       modified_date        | delta_time | ta_samples | total_samples | source | sourceId | checksum | extraction_time | dsi_key_id_ |      ta_period      |  Events_Assigned   | Events_AssignedRC  | Events_Closed | Events_CriticalRC |   Events_MajorRC   |  Events_MinorRC   |  Events_WarningRC  |  Events_NormalRC   | Events_UnknownRC |  Events_Critical  |    Events_Major    |   Events_Minor    |   Events_Warning   |   Events_Normal    | Events_Unknown | Events_HighPriorityAssigned | Events_HighPriorityClosed | Events_HighestPriorityAssigned | Events_HighestPriorityClosed | Events_CriticalClosed
 2021-02-24 21:20:41.517707 | 2021-02-25 03:30:40.074296 |            |          4 |             4 |        |          |          |                 |          36 | 2021-02-24 00:00:00 | 91.000000000000000 | 91.000000000000000 |               | 5.000000000000000 | 14.000000000000000 | 8.000000000000000 | 39.000000000000000 | 25.000000000000000 |                  | 5.000000000000000 | 14.000000000000000 | 8.000000000000000 | 39.000000000000000 | 25.000000000000000 |                |                             |                           |                                |                              |
(1 row)