This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.
1. Please ensure Topology is up and running:
- Check topology connection and collection status
- Check the topology configuration
- Do they use https (port 443)?
- Do they use OBR remote collector?
- Check topology collector.log that collected SM_PA view from RTSM
- Check PMDB\reconcile_registry\registryDump – you need to have Unix.csv or NT.csv
2. Verify which version and ETL they have for System Performance Content Pack:
3. Verify the version of OBR and patch level.
4. Did they deploy views on RTSM:
- Access Omi>Administration>RTSM>Modeling Studio
- Navigate to “Resources” and check HP-SHR>SM>SM_PA
- Does SM_PA contains any nodes with Operation Agent.
5. Please verify that SM Domain and ETL streams are all in success and also all their steps:
- Access Administration console>Data process Status
- Navigate to SysPerfDomain and SysPerf_ETL_PerformanceAgent
6. Please verify that they have connection/collection for servers in Admin Console> Operations Agents page.
7. We can also verify that the Operation Agent has data:
- ovcodautil –ping –n <node name>
- ovcodautil –dumpds CODA –n <node name>
- ovcodautil –dumpds SCOPE –n <node name>
- Version of Operation Agent
- Does CODA running (command on node itself):
ovc –status
8. If we need to check data on Database level, we need to verify first:
- Problematic report
- Edit the report and see respective database tables in use
- Query the tables in database
9. Typical logs to check:
- Topologycollector.log – check for any errors for topology collection and is the SM_PA view collected
- Collection.log – check for connection problems to nodes with Operation agents
- Hpacollector.log – check in details. Do we collect any data from SCOPE and CODA data sources from server with Operation Agent
- Remotepoller.log – test connection results to nodes.
10. Every time collect Capture tool in order to have all the logs.