How to install silently a lighter version of UFT?

  • KM03787408
  • 23-Feb-2021
  • 23-Feb-2021

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


Briefly, regarding the lighter version of UFT, it is a self-extracted file. So it needs a different procedure to be installed silently


What is the lighter version of UFT?

The lighter version is not the full DVD or inside in the full DVD, it is also know as the web version. it needs to be download separately. E.g. for 15.0, you can find it with link below:, the .exe file is for the lighter version. The zip one is for full DVD.



From the documentation it was unclear how to manage silent installation with different packages, in example the lighter version of UFT, in fact the only known way to execute this file silently was to run it y command and execute the setup to follow on-screen instructions.

This clearly was not a silent install, but it was limited by the own type of file until R&D provided below procedure.  



Briefly, regarding the lighter version of UFT, it is a self-extracted file. If you want to run it silently, you can:

1. Run command to extract it, with this command the UFT package will be extracted at C:\\temp\UFT

cmd.exe /c  UFT_14.50_Setup.exe -gm2 -y -InstallPath=”C:\\temp\UFT” -ExecuteFile=""

2. And then run the setup.exe in the directory to install prerequisites.

cmd.exe /c C:\\temp\UFT\setup.exe /InstallOnlyPrerequisite /s

3. And run the command below to install the uft itself and pass the ADDLOCAL to define which add-ins you need.

cmd.exe /c MsiExec /norestart /qn /i C:\Temp\UFT\Unified_Functional_Testing_x64.msi /l*xv C:\UFT_Install_Log.txt ADDLOCAL="Core_Components,Samples,Java_Add_in" CONF_DICOM=1



Following link about the official documentation about silent installations.