How to reconfigure the traffic pool size

  • KM03774605
  • 03-Feb-2021
  • 03-Feb-2021

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


Use below procedure when setting the pool size based on the amount of netflow packets received in the Leaf.


Use below procedure when setting the pool size based on the amount of netflow packets received in the Leaf.


Output created from flowanalysis tool on the leaf collector would be the first step:

Stop the leaf collector: nmstrafficleafstop.ovpl

•Run nnmtrafficflowanalysistool.ovpl -a x.x.x.x -p xxxx -d 10 , where:

-a should be the ip address which is configured on the devices to send flow packets to,

-p is the port used for the leaf collector

-d is duration in minutes. Normally, 10 minutes is fine, for this test.

It will produce parameters that should be configured in leaf and master collectors in the below files, based on the amount of netflow packets received:

Traffic data dir \nmsas\traffic-leaf\conf\ ->



And on Master collector \nmsas\traffic-master\conf\


In order for those parameters to take effect, restart the spi services.