Copy Runtime settings does not copy iterations or pacing

  • KM03771816
  • 14-Jan-2021
  • 14-Jan-2021


Copy Runtime settings does not copy iterations or pacing


While designing a load test, select 1 group and change the "number of iterations" and "pacing" runtime settings, then select the group and copy the runtime settings to all other groups.
The settings for iterations and pacing are not copied to the other groups. Settings for logging and other areas are copied, but not the two most important settings (iterations and pacing).


In order to overcome this issue, apply the following fix on top of version 2020SP3 Hotfix3.

The dll should be placed under <LRE installation folder>\PCWEB\bin. Make sure to create a backup of the original one before the replacement.

Note: This is fixed in LRE2021 R1