ALM Octane Open Source and Third-Party Software License Agreements

  • KM03770267
  • 31-Dec-2020
  • 13-May-2021


This article contains open source and third-part license agreement documents for ALM Octane


Followining are documents containing open source and third-party license agreements for ALM Octane:


Octane 15.1.60: ALM-Octane-15.1.60-License.txt

Octane 15.1.40: ALM-Octane-15.1.40-License.txt

Octane 15.1.20: ALM-Octane-15.1.20-License.txt

Octane 15.0.60: ALM-Octane-15.0.60-License.txt

Octane 15.0.40: ALM-Octane-15.0.40-License.txt

Octane 15.0.20: ALM-Octane-15.0.20-License.txt

Octane 12.60 CP11: ALM-Octane-12.60CP11-License.txt