DP 10.70 DBSM crashed while auditing

  • KM03770095
  • 29-Dec-2020
  • 21-Apr-2021


This problem happen on the large system who have lot of sessions perday. Reviewed edited


Following issue appear if we execute below command: "omnidb -auditing -detail"

System error: 10054 Connection reset by peer.

Check the event logs then we can find DBSM binary was "crashed"


There is a limit of maximum data which will sent from dbsm to omnidb or GUI. That is 102400 bytes.
This can be found from dbsme logs. "dbaBufSize": "102400",
[ 99] 
[ 99] "dbGl": (struct DbGlobalsTag*) 0x000002D85B6176F0 -> { , "db_status": "0", "dbaRetVal": "0", "dbaOpenFlags": "0", "dbaUser": "USERNAME", "dbaGroup": "GROUP", "dbaHost": "CMHOSTNAME", "dbaACL": "-1", "qbIdx": "0", "dbaBuffer": (wchar_t*) 0x0000000000000000, "dbaBufSize": "102400", "dbaHandle": "0", "dbaMsgNo": "0", "dbaMsgRptHost": "", "dbaMsgRptContID": "0", "dbaMsgRptFlags": "0", "dbaMsgRptLabel": "", "nMsgSent": "0", "nInMsg": "0", "sid": "1000", "sessionName": "", "auditSessLogOffset": "0", "ssl": (void*) 0x0000000000000000, "sslCtx": (void*) 0x0000000000000000, "rdsPID": "4836", "flush_header": "", "dc_context": { "cookie": "1454322783", "dcfb_context": { "stack": (struct dcfb_oneLevelT*) 0x0000000000000000, "maxiumLevelReached": "0", "level": "0", "cookie": "0", "flags": "0", "cd_cache": { "noOfDirectories": "0", "directoriesPtr": (struct dcfb_cd_cache_directoryT*) 0x0000000000000000 }, "recordReadCounter": "0", "recordWriteCounter": "0", "recordDirtyWriteCounter": "0", "recordConnectCounter": "0", "setNavCounter": "0" }, "dcbrowse_context": { "browsingObjectVersionsVec": { "size": "0" }, "browsingViewsVec": { "size": "0" }, "dcconfigVec": { "size": "0" }, "treeListCache": { "name": (wchar_t*) 0x0000000000000000, "leafInViews": { "size": "0" }, "listOfViews": { "size": "0" }, "listOfSubDirectories": { "size": "0" } }, "flags": "0", "cookie": "64223578" }, "dcbf_context": { "info": "000002D85B5B2700", "dir": "000002D85B5B2C70" }, "dcexport_context": { "flags": "0", "cache": { , "hosts": (struct host_entryT*) 0x0000000000000000, "numHosts": "0", "mediumDirectoryPageList": (struct pagekey_hashEntryT*) 0x0000000000000000, "mediumHostList": { "size": "0" }, "stats": { "time_cacheStartTime": "0", "time_stage1_compileDirPages": "0", "time_stage2_readDirentries": "0", "time_stage3_processHosts": "0" } } } }, "currencySize": "0", "cmnMasterContext": (void*) 0x0000000000000000, "databaseUUID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"  }


Please obtain this HF to solve this specific issue



Or better contact support to get DP1070_b210_DP1070_B210_OCTCR19Q862072_OCTCR19Q1158055_HF1 which shall help to resolved follwing issues as well:

CRS Memory leak.
DBSM crashes while exporting audit data.
DBSM crashes while viewing session messages.
DBSM DBAxxxx errors.
BSM source-side deduplication concurrency issue.