Upgrade DP 9 to 10.x on linux failed with error "Unable to start IDB (Return code =1)

  • KM03770086
  • 29-Dec-2020
  • 21-Apr-2021


This issue happen to all upgrade to version 10.x. Reviewed, edited


Upgrade to DP 10.x on linux system has following issue:

Note: No Data Protector A.10.80 Internal Database found. Initializing...

Configuring and starting up Internal Database

ERROR: Unable to start IDB (Return code = 1)

For more detail please refer to /var/opt/omni/server/log/DPIDBsetup_PID.log


By some means, the file /etc/opt/omni/server/idb/version.txt is missing:
++ echo 'Version.txt file not exist - initialize database!'
Version.txt file not exist - initialize database!
++ echo 'NOTE:    No Data Protector A.10.80 Internal Database found. Initializing...'
++ echo 'No Data Protector A.10.80 Internal Database found.'
No Data Protector A.10.80 Internal Database found.
++ createDBconfFiles
Hence DP could not identify what is current DP version and then goes on wrong track.


- Create the file /etc/opt/omni/server/idb/version.txt with below content:

HP OpenView OmniBack II A.09.00
- Start upgrade again