Web Services script Error with MIME/DIME response in 2020GA SP1 SP2 SP3

  • KM03769852
  • 24-Dec-2020
  • 24-Dec-2020

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Web service .Net/Axis call or raw Soap Request with MIME/DIME does not work in 2020GA/SP1/SP2/SP3. Quick Fix step: 1. Go to the folder : %loadrunner%\lib\openjdk32\jre\bin 2. Check if "client" folder exists. 3. If not, copy the "server" folder and rename the "copy" one as "client". 4. Make sure that "jvm.dll" exists in the paths: %loadrunner%\lib\openjdk32\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll %loadrunner%\lib\openjdk32\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll 5. Restart vugen or magent.