How to enable RabbitMQ queue monitoring

  • KM03768371
  • 15-Dec-2020
  • 07-Jun-2021


How to enable RabbitMQ queue monitoring. Together with xdoctor, this monitoring tool can help to trouble notification issue of SMAX.


How to enable RabbitMQ queue monitoring.

Together with xdoctor, this monitoring tool can help to trouble notification issue of SMAX.


Steps below will help to enable the RabbitMQ queue monitoring page:

1) get into RabbitMQ pods:
 kubectl exec infra-rabbitmq-0 -n itsma-qqrsv -c itom-xruntime-rabbitmq -it sh
2) execute below command:
sh-4.4$ rabbitmqctl add_user truong truong
Creating user "truong"
sh-4.4$ rabbitmqctl set_user_tags truong administrator
Setting tags for user "truong" to [administrator]
sh-4.4$ rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / truong ".*" ".*" ".*"
Setting permissions for user "truong" in vhost "/"
sh-4.4$ rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p xservices truong ".*" ".*" ".*"
3) check the NodePort of rabbitmq-svc
kubectl get svc -n itsma-qqrsv |grep itom-xruntime-rabbitmq-svc
4) if the nodeport is not there, execute below command to enable nodeport:
kubectl edit svc itom-xruntime-rabbitmq-svc -n itsma-qqrsv
go to bottom and change value from type: ClusterIP to new value : type: NodePort
5) save the change and access the monitoring page: