NPS Baseline metrics in GNM setup

  • KM03765843
  • 02-Dec-2020
  • 02-Dec-2020

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


Following document describes how to set up Baseline in a GNM/RNM setup.


NPS calculates baseline thresholds and writes them to csv files to the NNMi it is configured with. So statepoller baseline collections are CSV poller collections.

Statepoller only runs collections for locally managed topology objects.

The issue here is RNMs run baseline collections but since NPS is configured with GNM, csv files for baseline states are written to GNM which RNMs do not have access to.


Solution for this is to mount GNMs <OVDataDir>/shared/perfSpi/datafiles/nps_baselinestate to all RNMs <OVDataDir>/shared/perfSpi/datafiles/nps_baselinestate.

Detailed steps are the following. (Linux)

On Global NNM:

- Edit the text file /etc/exports

- Append the file with following for each regional (Replace the regional server names in the following syntax)



- Save the file and execute following command

/usr/sbin/exportfs -a

On Each Regional NNM:

- create mount point.

cd /var/opt/OV/shared/perfSpi/datafiles

rm -fr nps_baselinestate (if this directory exists.. it may not yet exist)

mkdir nps_baselinestate

- Mount nps_baselinestate from global

Edit file /etc/fstab

Append below line after replacing with GNM server anme (ignore word wrap below – it’s just one line): /var/opt/OV/shared/perfSpi/datafiles/nps_baselinestate nfs rw 0 0

-Save the file and mount the directory by running cmd:

/bin/mount -a

- To check if it worked, go to /var/opt/OV/shared/perfSpi/datafiles/nps_baselinestate there should be following 2 directories. The contents of the final directory should be the same as GNM.

--> final and working