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FATAL C:/Program Files (x86)/HP/HP BTO Software/NNMPerformanceSPI/bin/ugsg_etl.ovpl[88] ETL.ugsg DBD::SQLAnywhere::db prepare failed: Table 'NMS_UG_SG' not found (DBD: prepare failed) at C:/Program Files (x86)/HP/HP BTO Software/NNMPerformanceSPI/bin/ugsg_etl.ovpl line 88.
FATAL C:/Program Files (x86)/HP/HP BTO Software/NNMPerformanceSPI/bin/ugsg_etl.ovpl[88] ETL.ugsg DBD::SQLAnywhere::db prepare failed: Table 'NMS_UG_SG' not found (DBD: prepare failed) at C:/Program Files (x86)/HP/HP BTO Software/NNMPerformanceSPI/bin/ugsg_etl.ovpl line 88.
1. stopALL.ovpl
2. startDB.ovpl
3. go to /NNMPerformanceSPI/rconfig/ugsg
4. execute dbisql -c "DSN=PerfSPIDSN" -nogui dfltCreateSchema.sql 5>StartALL.ovpl
5. startALL.ovpl
2. startDB.ovpl
3. go to /NNMPerformanceSPI/rconfig/ugsg
4. execute dbisql -c "DSN=PerfSPIDSN" -nogui dfltCreateSchema.sql 5>StartALL.ovpl
5. startALL.ovpl