Customize Login/Logout Pages with Native Postman

  • KM03765242
  • 30-Nov-2020
  • 30-Nov-2020


Customize Login/Logout Pages with Native Postman


This topic helps to Update the Login/Logout page with Native Postman



1.  Get the Password for the user:  idmTransportUser
 Get the <basic_auth_password>:
 1.  Identify the pod name for IDM:
 kubectl get pod -n <namespace>
 grep ˆidm
 2.  Go into the IDM pod:
 kubectl exec -it <pod-name> -n <namespace> -c idm -- /bin/sh
 3.  Execute the following command to get <basic_auth_password>:
 get_secret idm_transport_user_password_secret_key
 4.  Exit the pod.
 ** NOTE:  There is no need to continue with encoding  idmTransportUser:<basic_auth_password> as Postman will encode the <Password>
2.  install Native Postman
3.  Configure Certificates:
Settings -> Certificates
I set the following:
Host:  FQDN of the Master node
CRT File:  certificate of master node
Key File:  RSA key of the master node
1.  Add a New Collection
2.  Add a Request to the new Collection - Get the API request auth token
 a.  set action and URL
 POST  https://<MASTER NODE FQDN>/idm-service/v2.0/tokens/
 b.  set Authorization tab
 Type:  Basic Auth
 Username:  idmTransportUser
 Password:  <value from get_secret idm_transport_user_password_secret_key>
 **NOTE:  An example returned as PASS=pwkDXROEwertSU_P.  Only the "pwkDXROEwertSU_P" is used. On the Headers tab, the password will be encoded for you.
 c.  Set Headers tab
 Key:  Content-Type
 Value:  application/json
 d:  Set the Bod tab
 choose raw
 enter the following in the body
  "username": "admin",
  "password": "<admin_password>"
 "tenantName": "Provider"
 **NOTE:  The value in "<admin_password>" is the value returned from get_secret idm_transport_user_password_secret_key.  Just remove the "PASS=" like before on the authorization tab.
 d:  click Send
 e.  the Token is in the "id:" part
3.  Example:  Add a Request to the collection - Get Family Name
 a.  set action and URL
 GET  https://<MASTER NODE FQDN>/idm-service/api/scim/organizations/123531096/metadata/familyName
 b.  set Authorization tab
 Type:  No Auth
 c.  Set Headers tab
 Key:  Content-Type
 Value:  application/json
 Value:  <Value of Token from step 2 above>
 d:  click Send 
 e:  results:  the value in returned
4.  Example:  Add a Request to the collection - Set Family Name
 a.  set action and URL
 PUT  https://<MASTER NODE FQDN>/idm-service/api/scim/organizations/123531096/metadata/familyName
 b.  set Authorization tab
 Type:  No Auth
 c.  Set Headers tab
 Key:  Content-Type
 Value:  application/json
 Value:  <Value of Token from step 2 above>
 d:  Set the Bod tab
 choose raw
 enter the following in the body
  "key": "familyName",
  "username": "admin",
  "value": "My New Family Name"
 d:  click Send 
 e:  results:  the value is set.  rerunning step 3 above will show the new value or go to the Tenant login page