Error "No docker image has been assigned to the elastic hosts" when a load test fails validation while being saved

  • KM03765203
  • 27-Nov-2020
  • 27-Nov-2020


If no docker image has been assigned for the Elastic LG's when saving a load test, validation will fail and this error message is displayed


While attempting to save a load test created in LoadRunner Enterprise 2020 that uses Elastic Load Generators, load test validation fails as indicated by the appearance of the image textTest validation results icon (next to the Save Test button) in the Performance Test Designer. When clicking on the Test validation results icon the following message is displayed:

image text


A load generator image has not been specified, in the "Elastic Docker" tab in the "Assign Groups to Load Generators" dialog, for the Elastic load generators selected for the load test.


When assigning Elastic load generators during load test creation using the "Assign Groups to Load Generators" dialog, select the load generator image to use as follows:

image text

and then select the Elastic load generators:

image text

Once an image has been selected the load test will validate when saved.