Unable to add PC server HTTPS URL to lab management

  • KM03763049
  • 14-Nov-2020
  • 14-Nov-2020

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Following the instructions from this document: https://community.microfocus.com/t5/Application-Delivery-Management/Configure-Performance-Center-Server-to-Support-SSL-TLS/ba-p/228859#.Wnwica6WaJA We successfully have the certificate installed in IIS and the bindings done. We used port 8443 We backup the web.config and replace it with the web.config-for-ssl as instructed. Bounced the server and PC server is working as expected. I can access the URL : https:// :8443/loadtest and it works fine, the certificates are valid and also the functionality. The issue starts when: 1. Login Lab Management 2, Try to change the internal or external URL We get the following error: failed pingin url labservice.svx?wsdl 3. We trying removing the pcserver and now we cannot add it.


failed pingin url labservice.svx?wsdl


The issue is related to TLS 1.0 been disabled.  Check if this SSL is disabled, if so, enable it.