This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.
Also you can perform the following steps in order to clean the word cache, and free up some space on the filesystem safely without negative impact:
To remove all unnecessary file from the word cache:
Change this parameters in /etc/opt/opsware/mm_wordbot/mm_wordbot.args on all cores and satellites:
cache_max_size - the max size of the cache directory
cache_min_size - the min size of the cache directory
cache_cleanup_rate – The cleanup rate of the cache directory (The default value for clean-up rate is 720 minutes or 12 hours. You can change it to 1 hour).
For the /var/log/opsware, it’s probably because /var/log/opsware/waybot/debug/, it can safely delete the waybot/debug/ directory and from the Java client >> system configuration >> Command Engine (WAY) and search for way.debug_size set it to “0” in case it is “1” to disable the generation of addition logging.
And specific number of seconds way.debug_staleness_threshold in order for those files to be cleaned automatically please set the value appropriately.