Launch NPS GUI from NNMi with system user.CHexport20201005ID: QE-DEF-0157How to export/import Extension packs from CognosID: QE-DEF-0157

  • KM03759156
  • 05-Nov-2020
  • 05-Nov-2020

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


This document describes a procedure to export the extension packs from a working NPS to such which reports loading fails. Both NPS should be the same version.


Launching a report in NPS shows an error:

ID: QE-DEF-0157

Text: The model or package /content/folder[@name='Self Monitoring (admin users only)']/package[@name='PerfSPI_Diagnostics']/model[last()] does not exist or you are not allowed to use it because of security settings.


In certain situations the Report packages are either not getting installed or are damaged due to corruption. If all other methods for troubleshooting are exhausted, use this to export them from a working to the problematic system.


Exporting the package:

Start by launching NPS GUI from NNMi with the system user.

1. BI Server --> Administration --> Configuration --> Content Administration

2. In this menu, click on the option named "New Export" for exporting the package and name the exported package (for example CHexport20201005 if the EP is Component Health) other options can be left out then click Next.

3. Let the default option "Select public folders, directory and library content" be chosen and click Next.

4. Under "Public folders, directory and library content", below the rectangular box, on right hand side, choose the option for Add.

5. Here, Navigate to Public Folders --> iSPI Metrics -> Choose the Extension Pack (EP) for which reports issue is seen and click on Arrow button to copy this to right hand side. Click OK.

6. Choose the the EP name and click Next by opting for default options.

Note: Leave the default options under "Directory Content" and in go to the next page "specify general options"

7. Under "Specify a deployment archive" page, let the option be "New Archive" with name provided at the start (like CHexport20201005). Click Next as well as in the review summary page, again choose Next.

8. Select "save and run once" option and click finish.

9. Choose option "Now" and click on "Run".

10. Choose "View the details of this export after closing this dialog" and click ok.

After a minute, Refresh and the export would have been run and output is displayed here with message like " CM-REQ-2299 Export is complete. 107 object(s) were exported. 0 object(s) failed. ".

/opt/OV/nonOV/cognos/bi/deployment/ file would have been created.

Importing the package:

Start by launching NPS GUI from NNMi with system user.

1. BI Server --> Administration --> Configuration --> Content Administration

2. Chose the option "New Import" and choose the same default Extension Pack (EP) name which has reporting issue option, then click Next.

Note: Do NOT select the name which we have provided during export like CHexport20201005

3. Let the name be "iSPI Metrics Export Routine" and click next by leaving other fields as blank.

4. Under "Public folders, directory and library content", choose the one entry that is displayed and click next.

5. Leave the default options under "Directory Content" and in next page "specify general options".And in review summary page, again click Next.

6. Select "save and run once" option and click finish.

7. Choose option "Now" and click "Run".

8. Choose "View the details of this export after closing this dialog" and click ok.

After a minute, Refresh and the import would have been run and output is displayed here with message like " CM-REQ-2299 Import is complete. 107 object(s) were imported. 0 object(s) failed. ".