'License Error' in UFT embedded with RPA 2019.11

  • KM03755414
  • 28-Oct-2020
  • 28-Oct-2020


There is a workaround to resolve 'License Error' in UFT embedded with RPA 2019.11.


UTF.exe embedded with RPA 2019.11 Robot or Recorder will not start up showing 'License Error' if 30 days pass after the installation. With the error, it is not able to configure RDP settings written at https://docs.microfocus.com/itom/Robotic_Process_Automation:2019.11/RobotRDP .


The error is thrown because RPA 2019.11 includes the trial license of UTF expires in 30 days after the installtion.


To workaround the situation, you need to follow two steps as below:


  1. Generate or retrieve an encrypted password for RDP
  2. Run a VB script to communicates directly with UFT and configure RDP settings


[1. Generate or retrieve an encrypted password for RDP]

There are three options to generate or retrieve an encrypted password for RDP.


Option 1:

In case you have on any other machine UFT still under 30 days, configure on that machine the user and password as explained in https://docs.microfocus.com/itom/Robotic_Process_Automation:2019.11/RobotRDP , then export a script in Activity Designer -> Tools -> Options -> GUI Testing/General -> export settings by pressing 'Generate Script…'.  In the exported script file, there will be a line with App.Options.Run.RdpPasswordEncrypted. Copy its value as an encrypted password.


Option 2:

If you already have RDP configured on another robot / UFT for the desired (same) username, you can search and copy the value of the encrypted password from the registry. In regedit.exe, find 'enablerdpconnectionencryptedpassword' and copy that value as an encrypted password.


Option 3:

If you have RPA 2020.08 or later, CryptonApp.exe located under <RPA_Component>\uft\bin\ folder can generate an encrypted password for RDP. If you have only RPA prior to 2020.08, contact Software Support to obtain a newer version of CryptonApp.exe.


[2. Run a VB script to communicates directly with UFT and configure RDP settings]


1. Stop Designer, Recorder and Robot services

2. Make sure there are no UFT and QTPAutomationAgent processes still running on the Recorder and/or Robot host after shutting down the services.

3. In Recorder and Robot conf files(recorder-wrapper.conf and robot-wrapper.conf files respectively), add the following line as the last one in the java arguments list (increase with one the last number existing):




4. Start Designer, Recorder and Robot services

5. From Designer, click to Record new activity (not necessarily record it, but this first step will start the QTPAutomationAgent again)

6. In Recorder and/or Robot host, create a VB script that contains the following lines and set an appropriate username and the encrypted password for RDP to qtApp.Options.Run.RdpUserName and qtApp.Options.Run.RdpPasswordEncrypted respectively.


  Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")
  qtApp.Options.Run.EnableRdp = True
  qtApp.Options.Run.RdpUserName = "domain\username"
  qtApp.Options.Run.RdpPasswordEncrypted = "AQBBMADFD8BFdERjHoAwE/Cl+sBAAAAwEILp78/Jky4kRnJBYjqkAQAAAACAAAAAAADZgAAwAAAABAAAAAmW0lwGW/OSJOEUlf0fYvhAAAAAASAAACgAAAAEAAAAA+40JlECO8a1w1IVvqdp7wgAAAA1bdOmcBHZ8lFuPrOjLdfziQjnSeVqnPG6zPqngY9gbwUAAAA8r3kWclfgISERxu5CcrVtr42j8s="
  MsgBox "Finished"


7. Run the VB script by double-clicking it or in a command-line. If it succeeds, a small dialog window with 'Finished' is displayed.

8. Optionally, if Recorder or debugging a recorder activity does not work also now, stop and start all services and start working with a new browser window.