Can not logging into SMAX using Custom Domain URL which doesn’t have Tenant ID

  • KM03754418
  • 26-Oct-2020
  • 26-Oct-2020

This document is under revision.


User login to SMAX is via SMAL/Federation authentication


After upgrading to smax 2020.08 there is issue below

Using below URL’s users are unable to login and use SMAX.

Service Portal:

Agent Portal:

Standard URL’s with Tenant ID has no issues. – Agent Portal Service Portal

In the back end the following pod was running for 14 hours ++



it's a short url issue


Whenever IDM PODS are restarted, there may be an issue with Vanity URL login for some users. So, whenever IDM PODS are restarted, we will have to perform the below steps.

update idm.system_resource_config set value='' where name='idm.saml.entityBaseURL';

The 2020.08.001 patch has to be applied to permanently fix issue.


Check if all the services have been upgraded to 2020.08 by running:

watch 'kubectl get deployments -n <namespace>,VERSION:.metadata.labels.itsmaRelease,SERVICE:.metadata.labels.itsmaService,availableReplicas:.status.availableReplicas,readyReplicas:.status.readyReplicas,replicas:.status.replicas,unavailableReplicas:.status.unavailableReplicas,updatedReplicas:.status.updatedReplicas -l itsmaRelease=2020.05'
watch 'kubectl get deployments -n <namespace>,VERSION:.metadata.labels.itsmaRelease,SERVICE:.metadata.labels.itsmaService,availableReplicas:.status.availableReplicas,readyReplicas:.status.readyReplicas,replicas:.status.replicas,unavailableReplicas:.status.unavailableReplicas,updatedReplicas:.status.updatedReplicas -l itsmaRelease=2020.08' 
which is a part of the help document:

If all are on 2020.08, open this link: https://<hostname>:5443/update

It will go directly to the last step and via the operation in the UI, the pod will be gone.

               If it’s not working, it’s OK to delete the pod.