Accidentally deleted the secret key file SSC

  • KM03717691
  • 28-Sep-2020
  • 30-Sep-2020


Deleted the secret.key file in /opt/tomcat/.fortify/ssc/conf/ now SSC will not start on tomcat restart. Is there a way to recreate this file?


Deleted the secret.key file in /opt/tomcat/.fortify/ssc/conf/ now SSC will not start on tomcat restart. Is there a way to recreate this file?


If the site accidentally deleted the secret.key file from sca\\config, the following should allow it to be created.

Renamed the file, then restarted tomcat and SSC, bringing the user back into the initialization stage of SSC.
After the initialization SSC comes up, there is a chance that the ldap users no longer works since the orginal key the ldap server used no longer existed.
The side effect of this is, when an attempt is made to add a new ldap server it states the ldap accounts does not have a password or permission to make the changes.
To correct this truncate the ldapserver table:
Truncate table Ldapserver

Then restart SSC, and add a new ldap server in SSC, and refresh the user accounts.