How to change the log location in Octane

  • KM03712490
  • 24-Sep-2020
  • 24-Sep-2020


In some cases it may be necessary to change the log location in Octane


How to change the log location in Octane


1) In the Octane installation location open the file "log4j2-conf.xml" for editing. Typical paths...

    Linux: /opt/octane/conf

    Windows: <drive>\<path>\octane\conf

2) Locate the string: <Property name="LOG_FOLDER">

3) Change the value to the new log location, examples...

    Linux: /opt/octane/log

    Note: in Linux it may be necessary set permissions for the "Octane" group, octal: rwxrwx--- (770)

    Windows: D:/octane/log

    Note: be sure to use forward slashes

4) Save changes

5) Restart the Octane service

6) Verify logs are being written to the new location