How to check different time between sample created time and inserted time to DB

  • KM03705402
  • 11-Sep-2020
  • 10-Jun-2021


How to know if sample is delayed at GW to receive and insert to DB



How to know if  Sitescope sample is delayed at GW to receive and insert to DB.


In some situation, You would like to check if sample is delayed in processing at APM server.

We will need to check the time when sample was created compare to what time sample is inserted to DB.

1. COnnect to profile DB

2. Run the query

select top 10 * from SM_RAWDATA_MEAS order by time_stamp desc
3. compare the date of Time_Stamp and DBDate.

Time_Stamp: is time when sample is created
DBDate: is time the sampled is inserted to DB
Now you will know if sitescope sample to APM was delayed or not