Missing views after importing a Lab Project .qcp file

  • KM03695239
  • 01-Sep-2020
  • 01-Sep-2020


When importing the ALM 'Lab Project' from a .qcp file the db/schema views are missing Supersedes : KM03694219


Missing views after importing a Lab Project .qcp file


It is possible to export/import a Lab Project to/from a .qcp file by adding the following Site Configuration parameter...

Param Value: Y (N is Default)

Because the import mechanism in ALM treats the lab project structure as a standard project the views in the db/schema will be missing.
To correct this issue use the queries in the attached: LabProject_DropCreate_Views.zip
linktextThe aforementioned .zip file contains queries for both MSSQL and Oracle.

It is recommended to first use the 'drop' statements to eliminate duplicate or malformed views
Then use the 'create' statements to create the expected views

* Supersedes: KM03694219