How to turn on JVM GC (Garbage Collection) logs in ALM

  • KM03694214
  • 26-Aug-2020
  • 26-Aug-2020


In some cases it is valuable to understand JVM heap consumption over time to understand the levels of heap consumption as well when garbage collection takes place


In some cases it is valuable to understand JVM heap consumption over time to understand the levels of heap consumption as well when garbage collection takes place


1) Open the wrapper.conf file for editing, typically located in the path...

Windows: <drive>\ProgramData\Micro Focus\ALM\wrapper
Linux: /var/opt/ALM/wrapper

2) Add a JVM Option...
   Specify a unique integer for the JVM number and specify an existing path, spedcify a file name

In this example 36 is used..."D:/ProgramData/Micro Focus/ALM/log/GCLogs.txt"

3) Save changes
4) Restart the service (ALM/AgM/Octane)

Note: each time the service is restarted the old GC log will be deleted and a new file created

To read the GC log use GC Viewer which is free from here: