LRE 2020: The result directory is too large for the Access database to handle. It is recommended that you use the SQL server instead. Do you want to proceed with the Access database anyway?

  • KM03693956
  • 26-Aug-2020
  • 26-Aug-2020

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


Checking the logs in C:\Windows\Temp we found this error message: The result directory is too large for the Access database to handle. It is recommended that you use the SQL server instead. Do you want to proceed with the Access database anyway?


The result directory is too large for the Access database to handle. It is recommended that you use the SQL server instead. Do you want to proceed with the Access database anyway?


If we go to C:\Windows\Temp and see into the logs of the collection and find this message, the Microsoft Access database created by the Analysis is not enough to handle the information. We must use SQLite or SQL Server.


Go <LRE>\config\LRAnalysis80.ini and be sure that the following values are set like the following:


Changing the DBType to other value instead 1 we can be sure that we are using other Database than MS Access. In this case we are using SQLite