Remediation Options Descriptions in the Project Dashboard

  • KM03693350
  • 21-Aug-2020
  • 21-Aug-2020


These options aren't documented yet, so here we put them out for you.


In the Dashboard Project using SDM Discovery main screen there are some remediation options on the left side with drop-in fast menu.

Currently documentation doesn't detail about these options so here you have the way they work.



Once you have finished all reviews for a particular project you can generate helper groovy functions and Designer projects for being able to extract data and mask it accordingly. You can say underf grammar/masking that for example “FIRST NAME” will be masked using “ramdom_firstname”
  1. Generate masking

    Will generate a groovy masking function for every dictionary. Example: random_firstname, random_lastname
    It will also generate a corresponding groovy masking function (for every dictionary) called mapped_xxx. Example: mapped_firstname, mapped_lastname
    mapped_xxx will generate a random value for the first time an input values is used and then generate the same output value for every subsequent time.
    Example: let’s say the value GERARDO the first time generate a random value CASTILLO. Then each time GERARDO is used, it will always generate CASTILLO.
    Contrast this behavior with random_xxx that will always generate a new random value out of a given dictionary xxx.
  2. Generate compositions

    Compositions are used to generate comments and notes. Very useful for test data management, to generate meaningful comments and notes. You configure the compositions you want to generate in
  3. Generate shuffle SQL

    Shuffle SQL are SQL SELECT statements that will be generated for columns that have some findings. This will enable you to generate dictionaries out of existing data you have in you tables.
    Example: let’s say you have a table CUSTOMER that contains FIRSTNAMES and you want to use it as a dictionary. Discovery will have found that a column say fname contains FIRSTNAMES. Generate shuffles will generate a SQL statement to extract a number of random values from CUSTOMER.fname
  4. Generate shuffles

    Will use Shuffle SQL SELECT generated statements and generate the corresponding dictionaries and groovy masking functions (random and mapped).
  5. Designer project

    Will generate Designer project that have cartridges and business flows for every tables that has personal and sensitive data found by Discovery.
    This is the last step you want to do.
Alias and Single
  1. 'Alias'
    Alias on a grammar type is used to find column names that have a particular alias. Example: You can put an alias “CARD,CREDIT” on “CREDIT CARD” type to say any column name that contains “CARD” or “CREDIT” should be flagged as potential “CREDIT CARD”
    Do not confuse with column label also called alias: another way to call a column, like a synonym to a column name.
  2. 'Single'
    A column is called a “single” when there is only on single grammar type finding for it. Example column A has only “CREDIT CARD”. Column B has only “FIRSTNAME”
    Review Singles enables to automatically review all columns that have a single finding.