Backup ASE ContentStore through ISQL

  • KM03692140
  • 17-Aug-2020
  • 17-Aug-2020

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


Following are the steps to backup ASE by entering Sybase in case of problems using backup.ovpl.


1. stopALL.ovpl

2. startCS.ovpl

3. cd C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\HP BTO Software\nonOV\sybasease\ASE-15_0\bin

4. Open a command prompt.

5. Run bcksrvr.exe –SASECONTENTSERVER_BS

4. This will start the backup server. Let it run in the above command window.

5. Open Sybase ASE ISQL GUI: Start>All Programs>Sybase>Adaptive Server Enterprise>Interactive SQL.

username: sa

password : <no_password>


7. Login using the above credentials.

8. Run

dump database CS_ASE to "<NAS Drive path>".

Ensure \backup folder is created prior to running this command.

9. This will create CS backup.