This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.
1. stopALL.ovpl
2. startCS.ovpl
3. cd C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\HP BTO Software\nonOV\sybasease\ASE-15_0\bin
4. Open a command prompt.
5. Run bcksrvr.exe –SASECONTENTSERVER_BS
4. This will start the backup server. Let it run in the above command window.
5. Open Sybase ASE ISQL GUI: Start>All Programs>Sybase>Adaptive Server Enterprise>Interactive SQL.
username: sa
password : <no_password>
7. Login using the above credentials.
8. Run
dump database CS_ASE to "<NAS Drive path>".
Ensure \backup folder is created prior to running this command.
9. This will create CS backup.