ALM 12.60 fails to start when using Java 1.8.0_261

  • KM03689590
  • 11-Aug-2020
  • 11-Aug-2020


ALM 12.60 fails to start when using Java 1.8.0_261


The wrapper.log will have the error...

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid version number: Version number may be negative or greater than 255


A Java version conflict with the BIRT report viewer log level


Open the file "web.xml" for editing, typically located in the path...

Windows: <drive>\ProgramData\Micro Focus\ALM\webapps\qcbin\WEB-INF\web.xml
Linux: /var/opt/ALM/webapps/qcbin/WEB-INF/web.xml

Locate the following section...

 <!-- BIRT PARAM: Report engine log level. -->
Change WARNING to OFF, for example...

 <!-- BIRT PARAM: Report engine log level. -->
Save the file
ALM 12.60 should now start

Note: the BIRT report viewer is removed in ALM 12.60 and higher