Missing buttons on Controller's Output Window in Loadrunner Professional 2020

  • KM03687912
  • 01-Aug-2020
  • 01-Aug-2020


Missing buttons on Controller's Output Window in Loadrunner Professional 2020


In the Controller's Output window (which is the window that would display any error messages during the execution of a performance test) there are 3 buttons that normally appeared in previous versions of Controller (such as 12.57 through 12.63). However, in Loadrunner Professional 2020, the Remove Messages Button, the Export Messages Button and the Freeze Messages Button are missing. These 3 buttons are very useful when a performance test has logged many errors.


In order to overcome this issue, perform the below steps:

  1. Go to the bin folder of the LoadRunner installation path
  2. Create a backup of the original <lr_install_path>\bin\outputui.ocx file
  3. Replace the outputui.ocx file with the below one
