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Installation of Operations Agent 12.12 on a Windows Server 2016.
opcmsga stays aborted
The system is trying to use cscript instead of cscript.exe
This can be validated by taking and XPL trace of the opcmsga process during the startup attempt
Trace entries
[eaagt.actn] INFO Expanded 'cscript //NoLogo "%ovinstalldir%/bin/win64/ovodetect.vbs" -d [node data] -i [node data]' -macs [node data]' to 'cscript //NoLogo "%ovinstalldir%/bin/win64/ovodetect.vbs" -d [node data] -i [node data]' -macs [node data]'"
[eaagt.debug] INFO using extension got fullcmdname: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\cscript
[eaagt.debug] INFO PROC: Converting C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\cscript
[eaagt.actn] INFO Creating process Here 'C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\cscript //NoLogo "%ovinstalldir%/bin/win64/ovodetect.vbs" -d [node data] -i [node data]' -macs [node data]'
• Go to C:\Windows\System32\,
• locate the cscript.
• Validate if a cscript and a cscript.exe are present.
• if yes, then move the cscript without extension out of System32 and leave only the cscript.exe
• Once there is only the cscript.exe, run the ovc -start opcmsga or restart the agent
• After that the process should start as expected