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Receive error message: Not enough space on the drive to extract the install files
Receive error message: Not enough space on the drive to extract the install files
This happens during component installation. If you enter a new path for a different drive with sufficient space, the
same error message is displayed.
During the file extraction process, certain data is always saved to the TEMP directory on the system drive, even if
you choose to save the installation files to a different location from the default path.
>Free up sufficient disk space on the system drive (as specified in the error message), then continue with the installation procedure.
>If it is not possible to free up sufficient disk space on the system drive, change the path for the system’s TEMP variable.
*Windows: Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Advanced tab > Environment Variables, and edit the path for the TEMP variable in the User variables area.
*Linux: Run the following commands:
export IATEMPDIR=/new/tmp
where /new/tmp is the new working directory.