How to Retrieve UCMDB Server Logs for a Specific Time Frame

  • KM03685414
  • 20-Jul-2020
  • 20-Jul-2020


You can produce a zip file containing all UCMDB server logs for a given time frame. This is intended for support engineers or other users who need to obtain logs for a specific time frame.


To generate the zip file from the client machine, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Web browser and enter the server address, as follows: https://<UCMDB Server Host Name or IP>:8443/jmx-console. You may have to log in with a user name and password.
  2. Under UCMDB, click UCMDB:service=Server Services to open the JMX MBEAN View page.
  3. Locate the executeServerLogParser operation.
  4. Enter the start time in the required format.
  5. (Optional) Enter an end time. If you do not provide an end time, the current time that the JMX method is invoked is used.
  6. Click Invoke.

When the process has finished, the file can be downloaded from the browser.


  • The zip file is also located on the UCMDB server machine as the C:\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\runtime\ParsedLogGrabber_<time>.zip file. For maintenance purposes, this file must be manually deleted.
  • The folder C:\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\runtime\log\ParsedLogs_<date> is also created and contains the unzipped contents. For maintenance purposes, this file must be manually deleted.
  • In high availability UCMDB deployments, this JMX method is running against one server only.
  • Only logs from the same date can be parsed.