DB Connection failed while replaying the script

  • KM03684934
  • 17-Jul-2020
  • 17-Jul-2020


DB Connection failed while replaying the script


While replaying the script the lr_db_connect step is failing with the following error message:

vuser_init.c(12): DB Connection "Connect_DB" started ... Wait ....
vuser_init.c(12): DB Connection failed {"The 'OraOLEDB.Oracle' provider is not registered on the local machine."}
vuser_init.c(12): Error (-17940): DB Connection failed {"Connect_DB"}



OraOLEBD11.dll is not correctly registered on the machine.


In order to register the dll, follow the below steps:

1. Open a command prompt in administrator mode
2. Navigate to the bin folder of the Oracle client

     Example: cd C:\oracle\product\\client_1\bin

3. Type the following command: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Regsvr32.exe OraOLEDB11.dll"