How to remove Test Resource types "Monitor Over Firewall" and "Monitor Profile" from a project

  • KM03673123
  • 13-Jul-2020
  • 13-Jul-2020


In some cases it may be desired to remove Test Resource types "Monitor Over Firewall" and "Monitor Profile" . These are added to a project when a LoadRunner Scenario is saved to an ALM project


In some cases it may be desired to remove Test Resource types "Monitor Over Firewall" and "Monitor Profile" . These are added to a project when a LoadRunner Scenario is saved to an ALM project


  1. Perform a full back of the project db/schema and file repository
  2. Login to the project in question
  3. Go to the Test Plan
  4. Switch to Grid View
  5. Filter by the ‘Type’ field, specifying a value of “LR-SCENARIO”, only scenarios should be visible
  6. Delete all “LR-SCENARIO” test types from the Test Plan. This will also delete instances and runs for the scenario(s)
  7. At the database directly, open a tool and issue the following query to the project db/schema…

             delete from ENTITY_SUBTYPES where EST_ID in ('Monitor Over Firewall','Monitor Profile')

             delete from ENTITY_SUBTYPE_FIELDS where ESTF_SUBTYPE_ID in ('Monitor Over Firewall','Monitor Profile');


             (if using oracle be sure to commit changes or use the line: commit;

  1. Restart the ALM service - because the values changed at the database are cached at ALM it is necessary to restart the ALM service
  2. Login to the project, the resource types "Monitor Over Firewall" and "Monitor Profile" will be gone.