How to reinstall Sonic Bus

  • KM03670366
  • 07-Jul-2020
  • 07-Jul-2020

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


some time sonic bus corrupts and we need to reinstall it. Follow steps below is completely right and enough.



How to re-install sonic bus.


Firstly, you need to make a backup of sonic folder "HPBSM\Sonic" of all BSM servers ( in case you reinstall failed, you could recover back)
A. in DPS.
- Run HPBSM\Sonic\bin\uninstall.bat
- make sure all files and folder deleted except  folders bin, Installation, input
- RUn HPBSM\Sonic\bin\install.bat
- Edit file: C:\HPBSM\conf\bus\ :
                keep the two lines below only and change all to nonconfigured : :

- Open command line and run: HPBSM\sonic\bin\jmsProviderConfig.bat install.domain

B. in GW

- Run HPBSM\Sonic\bin\uninstall.bat
- make sure all files and folder deleted except  folders bin, Installation, input
- RUn HPBSM\Sonic\bin\install.bat
- Edit file: C:\HPBSM\conf\bus\ :
                keep the two lines below only and change all to nonconfigured : :

C. Run configwizard in DPS and then run config wizard on GW

D. Start DPS
E. Start GW