This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.
How to re-install sonic bus.
Firstly, you need to make a backup of sonic folder "HPBSM\Sonic" of all BSM servers ( in case you reinstall failed, you could recover back)
A. in DPS.
- Run HPBSM\Sonic\bin\uninstall.bat
- make sure all files and folder deleted except folders bin, Installation, input
- RUn HPBSM\Sonic\bin\install.bat
- Edit file: C:\HPBSM\conf\bus\ :
keep the two lines below only and change all to nonconfigured : :
- Open command line and run: HPBSM\sonic\bin\jmsProviderConfig.bat install.domain
B. in GW
- Run HPBSM\Sonic\bin\uninstall.bat
- make sure all files and folder deleted except folders bin, Installation, input
- RUn HPBSM\Sonic\bin\install.bat
- Edit file: C:\HPBSM\conf\bus\ :
keep the two lines below only and change all to nonconfigured : :
C. Run configwizard in DPS and then run config wizard on GW
D. Start DPS
E. Start GW