How to keep existing settings for the traps when loading an updated MIB version.

  • KM03660593
  • 30-Jun-2020
  • 30-Apr-2021


When you want to keep the current trap configurations the scripts nnmincidentcfgdump.ovpl and nnmincidentcfgload.ovpl are the right tools to export and import their configurations.


When you want to keep the current trap configurations the scripts nnmincidentcfgdump.ovpl and nnmincidentcfgload.ovpl are the right tools to export and import their configurations.


1. Export the trap configuration:

nnmincidentcfgdump.ovpl -dump <directory for the file> -oid .

2. Load a new MIB.

3. Import the trap configuration:


nnmincidentcfgload.ovpl -load <directory of the file>