How to deploy Oracle Database 9i and 10g solution template

  • KM03649955
  • 04-Jun-2020
  • 04-Jun-2020

Archived Content: This information is no longer maintained and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


Breif explanation of template's properties


How to deploy Oracle Database 9i and 10g solution template


Here is a brief explanation about the information needed to configure these templates:


DatabaseConnection URL: Connection URL to the database you want to connect to. For example: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<IP or Hostname>:<port configured on the listener.ora>/database_name


DatabaseDriver: Name of the JDBC driver to be used by this monitor. Each driver supports a specific connection URL pattern, so it must match the URL entered in Database Connection URL.


OracleAlertLogPath: Full path to the Oracle alert log. For Windows machines, this should be the full UNC path. Enter the full path to the Oracle alert log. You can execute this query: show parameter background_dump_dest from SQL Plus to know the location of the alert log file.


OracleListenerLogPath: Full path to the Oracle listener log. For Windows machines, this should be the full UNC path. By default this file is located on ORACLE_HOME\network\admin (file's name is listener.ora)


DatabaseUserName: User name that SiteScope should use to connect to the database.


DATABASEPASSWORD: Password for the user name that SiteScope should use to connect to the database.


SERVER_LIST: Name of the server you want to monitor. If the server you want to monitor is not in the list, you must define a connection profile to the server.