How to delete OA data source?

  • KM03645826
  • 29-May-2020
  • 29-May-2020

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


oadbutil provide the functionallity to manage OA data sources


ovcodautil tool shows that we have 3 data sources on this OA node:

[root@sambadc ~]# ovcodautil -showds
NumDataSources = 3


We can use oadbutil tool to remove the custom data source Ping_Monitor

[root@sambadc ~]# /opt/OV/bin/ -help
   -d|datasource <value> [-c|class <value>]

Cleans up meta data and records of given datasource and class.
If only datasource is specified, all classes under the datasource are removed.

[root@sambadc log]# /opt/OV/bin/ -d Ping_Monitor
Warning: All the performance information and data will be erased for the data source - Ping_Monitor .
Do you really want to proceed? y/n : y
Stopping oacore
Cleanning Meta Information of Ping_Monitor::Ping_Roundtrip
Removing Files :
Starting oacore