Reproducing high CPU usage on Windows servers with OA

  • KM03645762
  • 29-May-2020
  • 29-May-2020

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


How to increase CPU usage on Windows server?


Observed high CPU usage on Windows server, but Operations Agent did not sent event for critical CPU usage. 

Support provides steps on how to troubleshoot this, but often the issue is not reproducible, which leaves the case in long pending state.


Here are the steps on how to enable the necessary traces and how to raise the CPU usage on the Windows server:

1. Start the trace:
 ovconfchg -ns eaagt -set OPC_TRACE TRUE -set OPC_TRACE_AREA ALL,DEBUG -set OPC_TRC_PROCS opcmon,opcmona,opcmsga -set OPC_DBG_PROCS opcmon,opcmona,opcmsga  -set OPC_DBG_EXCLUDE_AREA MUX,QM -set OPC_TRACE_TRUNC FALSE

2. create cpu.bat file with the following content:

@echo off
goto loop

And run in in few instances in order to raise the CPU usage to the desired level, that would breach the threshold of the CPU monitor policy.

Wait for 15 minutes and stop the bat files execution with Ctrl+C

3. Stop the trace
 ovconfchg -ns eaagt -clear OPC_TRACE -clear OPC_TRACE_AREA -clear OPC_TRC_PROCS -clear OPC_DBG_PROCS -clear OPC_DBG_EXCLUDE_AREA -clear OPC_TRACE_TRUNC

And please provide me the following logs below: