How to Run Solr in a Different Process than UCMDB

  • KM03640452
  • 18-May-2020
  • 18-May-2020


Starting from UCMDB version 10.30, Solr is running by default in a different process than UCMDB. Now, Solr features a Web interface that makes it easy and safe for the users to access it.


To open the Solr's main dashboard, launch the Web browser and enter the following address: http://localhost:8983/solr.

Note You can open the Solr's main dashboard through localhost access only.

Every 60 seconds, the UCMDB server verifies if the Solr is running. If for some reason the Solr stops running, the UCMDB server tries three times to restart it.

To change the interval at which the UCMDB Server verifies if the Solr is running:

  1. Go to JMX Console > UCMDB:service=Settings Services > setGlobalSettingValue.
  2. In the name field enter
  3. In the value filed, specify a time interval in seconds. The default value is 60 seconds.
  4. Click Invoke.
  5. Restart the UCMDB Sever.

Change the Default Port of the Solr

The default port value (8983) of the Solr may conflict with an existing application (for example, another web application already uses this port). If such a conflict exists, change the default port as follows:

  1. In UCMDB, go to Administration > Infrastructure Settings Manager > General Settings.
  2. In the Name column, choose The port on which solr will start.
  3. In the Value column, change the 8983 to any other port number.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Restart the UCMDB server.

Modify Solr Memory Size

The estimated amount of disk space and memory necessary for Solr to run properly are as follows:

  Minimal Recommendation
Memory (RAM) 512 MB / million of CIs
Disk Space 3 GB / million of CIs

The estimated disk space and memory requirements may vary up or down, depending on the following:

  • The CI Types of the indexed CIs.
  • The size of the indexed CI's attributes.
  • The type of the indexed CI's attributes (string, date, numeric).
  • The number of Solr queries expected to run in a certain interval.
  • The rate at which the CIs are added/updated/deleted in the index (the data-in rate).

You can change the amount of memory allocated for the Solr's usage as follows:

  1. Open the following file using a text editor:

    Windows: <UCMDB_install_dir>\solr\bin\

    Linux: <UCMDB_install_dir>/solr/bin/

  2. Locate the following setting and modify the setting to a desired value:

    • Windows:

      set SOLR_JAVA_MEM=-Xms512m -Xmx2048m

      where Xms is the initial amount, Xmx is the maximum amount of memory allocated.

    • Linux:

      SOLR_JAVA_MEM=-Xms512m -Xmx2048m

    Note By default, the initial amount of memory allocated is 512 MB, and the maximum amount of memory that can be allocated is 2 GB.

  3. Save the file.

  4. Stop Solr. To do this, go to the <UCMDB_install_dir>\bin directory in a command prompt, and then run the following command:

    • Windows: solr stop

    • Linux: ./ stop

    Note After you stop Solr, the UCMDB Sever automatically restarts it, and the changed setting takes effect.