CI from Management Packs (MPs) is not being added to RTSM

  • KM03638733
  • 11-May-2020
  • 11-May-2020


After running the Discovery not all the CIs were added to RTSM.


Although the Discovery process executed in the node was successful, all CIs were discovered, and no errors found on node side related to discovery, the CIs are not visible in RTSM, this led to a reconciliation error in RTSM side.

Error received in cmdb.reconciliation.log

Error while trying to [addOrUpdate] on level [1]! validation error occured, class [domaincontroller].  Error in properties type validation :  property's value [(string-CI_NAME |)] has exceeded the size limit of the attribute 

[attribute: name [dnsserver] type [string] isFactory [true] isUserUpdated [false] default value [] size limit [100]] : operation DataInAddOrUpdateData



The size of an attribute for a specific CI Type has exceeded the size limit.


Increasing the size of that attribute, in this example, we can see that class is domaincontroller and attribute is dnsserver

validation error occured, class [domaincontroller].  Error in properties type validation :  property's value [(string-CI_NAME |)] has exceeded the size limit of the attribute 

[attribute: name [dnsserver] type [string] 


So need to go to Administration > RTSM Administration > CI Type Manager and look for DomainController CI, Go to Attributes tab and in the list look for DNS server attribute

image text

After that click over Edit button, that would open a new page, need to edit Value size:

image text

Click Ok to save the changes.


Run again the Discovery process so CI information is sent to RTSM again:

ovagtrep -clearall

ovagtrep -run “MP_Discovery_Policy_Name”

ovagtrep -publish -all