Events are not following Event Rules Settings

  • KM03631790
  • 01-Apr-2020
  • 01-Apr-2020


Events are not following Event Rules Settings


SiteScope server integrated with OMi.SiteScope servers are sending events to OMi.

We have configured Event Settings in each SiteScope monitor, so that CRITICAL events only should be sent after the count of 2 events, but we have observed that event are been sent after the first CRITICAL event.

When we run a script monitor to determine connectivity and server uptime(metric), we encounter that if there is a problem with running the monitor because of a timeout/load or general connectivity issues, the counter/s must be set to a predefined status (for example Error or Good). This will cause “false” events to be generated. For instance, if the monitor fails to run and the default status is good, the monitor sets the counters to n/a with status good and we will see false “back to normal” events. Conversely if the n/a status is set to Error we will see false critical events.



The issue is with event generation and event rules. The product behaves as expected, but there is an important request for enhancement for the event rules.

1. Sitescope 11.33 IP2 with multiple patches.
2. there were fixes made around the event rules generation in 11.33 IP4
3. There was a situation where we are getting a back to normal events even if the monitor is in error.
The solution:
 the solution lies on ensuring that whenever the monitor fails to extract data (i.e. counters are n/a), the counter/s status should be “The last known status” of the metric. In other words, if we are unable to collect data for the metric we cannot assume any predefined status.