RTSM Population Synchronization Troubleshooting

  • KM03631125
  • 29-Mar-2020
  • 29-Mar-2020


RTSM Population Synchronization Troubleshooting


Population Synchronization Troubleshooting
If an population integration does not work correctly, first make sure the data flow probe is up and connected to the UCMDB. To troubleshoot population synchronization, examine the contents of the probe’s log connected to the side initiating the synchronization.
Occasionally, synchronization causes reconciliation issues. In those occasions, reconciliation log files can help pinpoint the problem.
The following are the reconciliation logs:
  • cmdb.reconciliation.audit.log
  • cmdb.reconciliation.log
  • cmdb.reconciliation.datain.ignored.log
The location of the reconciliation log files is <APM DPS install root>\odb\runtime\log.
To change the log level go to:
<APM DPS install root>\odb\runtime\log\reconciliation.properties