Replay of RTE script hangs and requires keyboard interaction to run

  • KM03630994
  • 27-Mar-2020
  • 27-Mar-2020


Replay of RTE script hangs and requires keyboard interaction to run


The following error is received during a replay of an RTE protocol script:

Error: TE_connect failed after 1 tries. Giving up.

Reason: Timeout.


The issue is caused by a bug in the Powerterm emulator. The emulator waits for an user interaction with the console screen; if a mouse or a keyboard key is pressed the connection is successfully established, otherwise the emulator hangs.

Besides, telnet server does not print any character on connect.


1. Download the following archive to the LoadRunner/PC Host/VuGen/Load Generator machine.

     Patch for 12.xx

2. Backup the original DLLs and replace with the once from the archive "Patch for 12.xx" on the <installation path>\bin folder

3. Download the following archive to the LoadRunner/PC Host/VuGen/Load Generator machine.


4. Backup the original DLLs and replace with the once from the archive "Hotfix" on the <installation path>\bin folder